Read the following passage and answer the questions below: Artificial trans-fats raise bad cholesterol levels in body with lowering good cholesterol levels. There are two types of trans-fats artificial and natural. Natural trans-fats are developed from animal produced foods like beef. mutton, dairy milk and dairy products, butter oil or ghee and butter Meanwhile, artificial trans-fats are produced by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils (palm, soybeen etc.), converting the liquid oil into semi-solid fats. resulting in Partially Hydrogenated Oil (PHO). PHOs are the main source of artificially trans fats popularly known as Dalda or Banaspati Ghee. The WHO estimated that 17.9 million people across the globe die of cardiovascular diseases each year, while excessive trans-fat intake is estimated to be responsible for more than 500.000 of such deaths. In Bangladesh, 277,000 deaths occur each year owing to a variety of heart diseases. The total elimination of trans-fat is the only option to prevent the rising menace of heart diseases as well as effectively develop the public health. Food manufacturers use Partially Hydrogenated Oils to preserve their manufactured foods while it is also used in deep fried and baked foods for adding to the taste, flavor and stability of such processed foods, Artificial trans-fats are also produced while deep frying foods using the same oil repeatedly for a long time in high temperature. Usually restaurants use the same oil for multiple cycles in order to reduce their cost for preparing Singara, Puri, Jilapi, Chicken Fries, French Fries and other fried foods and ultimately increases the amount of trans-fats within these foods.

What is partially Hydrogenated Oil ?

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

The Partially Hydrogenated Oil is one kind of oil that is found in semi-solid fats through adding hydrogen to vegetable oils.

1 year ago


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