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বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রিম কোর্ট || ব্যক্তিগত কর্মকর্তা (11-10-2020) || 2020

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পড়-পড় অর্থ পড়ত; পতন আসন্ন এমন।

পর পর অর্থ ‘উপর' এর সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ (মাথার পরে দেয়নি তুলে বাস)।

10 months ago

For duty, duty must be done; the rule applies to everyone

Man is a social being. As a social being, he has to perform his duty. So duty plays a key role in the life of human beings. Appropriate duty turns man into a sensible man. We start doing our duties in the morning and continue up to evening. We cannot neglect duties for the country. A father has to do the duty of a father. A superior has to do the duty of the superior. A leader has to do the duty of the leader. The follower has to carry out the duty of the followers. The rule is applicable to everything. Nobody can escape from his duty. We should not neglect our duties toward our natives. Students must carry out their duties for the teachers. At the same time, the teachers should be sincere in the evaluation of students.

Our leaders should engage themselves in doing their duties. They should not throw mud to one another. Everybody hates them who do not perform their duties properly. The society will be full of peace and harmony if everybody takes part in doing their respective duties. If we want to have our rights established, we must perform our duties. Otherwise, our demands of right will be baseless and illogical. Duty ensures one's rights and right leads to undertake duty. Duty makes us powerful. So we must do our duty as long as we live.

10 months ago

Cowards die many times before their death

Cowards die many times before their deaths,' is a statement or a phrase that gives advice and
explains that is generally true. This proverb was created by English playwright William Shakespeare. It explains us that cowards die many times in their life before they actually die. A person who is coward lives in a constant fear of his death. Only by thinking about his death, his heart and mind begins to tremble with fear. A coward believes that death is a massive monster that is always hanging over him and can attack any time.

It is not a sign of courage to hide and run away from the troubles in life. A coward must understand that death cannot be avoided. Natural tragedies like earthquakes, famines and floods make the coward shake with fear. He thinks that his death is near. He spends many sleepless nights. Moreover, due to wars, riots, serious disagreements and other conflicts a coward further becomes sacred-cat.

A coward sees everything in life with suspicion and doubt. He always lives in worries. If some day he is standing near a beach, suddenly he feels that accidentally he may sink and die. Even while walking on the street he remains very careful. He walks from the corner of the footpath. While crossing the road he is over-careful to avoid accident that may cause him death. Imagination death does not allow him to live happily and peacefully. If he receives the news of someone's death he feels relieved for his escape from death. Such is the viewpoint of a coward.

Those who are not cowards are ready to accept their death. They are aware that death is a natural event that cannot be escaped. Such people accept death with courage.

No one whether rich or poor, young or old, king or beggar has overcome death. It is not false to say that death before time is a heart breaking event. This can terrify family and friends. However, no one can challenge death. It is wise to adopt an accepting approach towards death rather than suffering the torturous imagination of death like a coward.

10 months ago

একজন বিচারককে দেশের সর্বোচ্চ আইন, সংবিধানের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধাশীল হইতে হইবে। আইন, নজির এবং তথ্য ও ঘটনাবলির আলোকে বিচার করিতে হইবে। এইখানে ব্যক্তিগত অভিমত, পছন্দ বা অপচ্ছন্দের কোনো স্থান নাই। রাজনৈতিক পরিস্থিতিতে সংসদ বিভিন্ন আইন পাস করিতে পারে। কিন্তু সেই আইন সংবিধানের কষ্টিপাথরে বিবেচনা করিবার দায়িত্ব ও কর্তব্য সুপ্রীম কোর্টের।

= A judge must be reverent to the constitution, the supreme law of a country. He/she must judge in light of laws, instances, information and facts. There is no room for personal opinion, choice or dislikes. Parliament can make different laws considering political situation. But these laws need to scrutinize by the supreme court.

10 months ago

London, England 

Dear 'B'
London, England 11.10.2020
Hope you are fine with The Almighty's blessings. I am also fine. Today I will share my ideas about the unemployment problem resulting from Covid-19 creating social insecurity in Bangladesh.
The lockdown is attacking all groups of people in the world. No employed or unemployed person will come out better from it. The lockdown may save as from the infection, but the cost will be a very big loss of livelihood. The World Bank forecasted that South Asia might post 1.80% to 2.80% GDP growth which is still a better scenario than some other regions. According to ILO, Bangladesh has more than 85% informal labour who are extremely vulnerable. The hardest hit of the impact would involve marginalized low-income people, many of whom are daily wage-earners and self- employed. The poverty rate would be 49.9%, meaning that another 20.4% of the population would plunge into poverty. The current massive economic disruption is hurting the 20 million youth labor force of Bangladesh. Thus unemployment will create an unexpected income shock. Consumption reduction arising out of unemployment not only reduces the welfare of the individual but also reduces the aggregate demand of the economy.

Therefore, the government could provide short-term income support on a large scale to secure the job seekers through unemployment benefits can help the unemployed to maintain their consumption level and promote social welfare. No more today. I will write later. Give my Salam to your parents. 

Your loving ‘A’

10 months ago

He excels to speak English.

He excels in speaking English. (ইংরেজিতে কথা বলায় সে দক্ষ)।

10 months ago

Elephants are found in Asia and Africa.

= Elephants are found in Asia and African countries. (এশিয়া ও আফ্রিকার দেশগুলোতে হাতি পাওয়া যায়)

10 months ago

He wants to admit to Dhaka College.

= He wants to be admitted into Dhaka College. (সে ঢাকা কলেজে ভর্তি হতে চায়)।

10 months ago

He entered into the building by the main door.

= He entered the building through the main door. (সদর দরজা দিয়ে সে বিল্ডিংয়ে প্রবেশ করেছিল)।

10 months ago

Sitting on the top of the Pyramid, the camels looked very tiny.

= The camels are seen very finy while they sit on the top of the pyramid.
(পিরামিডের উঁচুতে যখন উটগুলো বসে থাকে তখন তাদের খুবই ক্ষুদ্রকায় দেখায়)।

10 months ago