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প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক প্রশিক্ষণ ইনস্টিটিউট (পিটিআই) || ইন্সট্রাক্টর (19-06-2019) || 2019

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Introduction: A village primary school is an institution where the village children come to get their first lesson. Bangladesh is a land of villages. Majority of her population live in the villages. So the most of her children receive their knowledge in village primary schools. 

Description of the School: Now almost every village in Bangladesh, there is at least one primary school. Our village has also got one. It has a model primary school run and funded by the government. There are sufficient rooms for the students to sit in. The School provides five grades of education. These are Classes I, II, III, IV and V. In the class I the students learn alphabets in their mother-tongue. They learn counting. They learn more and more in the next higher classes.

Teachers: Teachers are now government employees. Almost all of them are trained. They are given a good salary.

Their relation with the students and the guardians: Positive Teacher-student relationships are very important for quality teaching and student learning. Most of the students don't know the greatest and best relationship between a teacher and student. In our school teachers are just like parents. They give their all happiness, love, attention and special care towards their Students.

Teaching and learning process: Home works are compulsory for the students. At the end of each hour, the little boys and girls repeat their lessons in chorus. Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and mother tongue are daily lessons in our school.

Importance of primary education: Primary schools are the center of developing mind and body of the children. So, the primary school teachers should think of the improvement of teaching. The parents should see that their children go to school and their lessons regularly.

Conclusion: The child of today is the citizen of tomorrow. So, the children should be given the proper primary education. Everybody should try his best to look after the village primary school.

10 months ago

Introduction: Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy because we will always want to have something else or something more.

What is gratefulness: Gratefulness is being warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; Gratitude was once described as "a habit of the heart." Like love, it is a choice, and not just an emotion.

Occasions for expressing gratefulness: Gratitude can have a lasting positive impact if we work towards incorporating it into our daily lives. The expression of gratitude is a self-promoting exercise, grateful people are found to be more likely to respond with gratitude to a wider range of scenarios and recognize the beneficence on the part of others. When you think about expressing gratitude and thanks, how does it make you feel? Embarrassed? Awkward? You are not alone. For some, expressing gratitude does not come easily, even to those people who mean the most to us. Whether it's a friend, teacher, or parent, the positive impact of a little bit of gratitude can have immense for both parties.

It is often the simplest of gestures that speak volumes in showing your gratitude. We all have people in our lives who inspire us and generally just make life better by being in it; here we will look at ways to express gratitude to those who should really hear it.

Say the words! Words are powerful and the simplest, most direct, way to express gratitude to the people we may take for granted. Given proximity, a verbal expression of your appreciation in is effective - if you can't do it in person, make the phone call and brighten somebody's day.

2. Write a gratitude letter or note: Spend some time thinking about what you appreciate most about your friends, teacher, or parents and draft a letter by hand, expressing your sentiments. While recognizing your gratitude is important just writing it down is enough to make you feel warm inside - actually reading the letter out loud is worth so much more.

Maybe jumping in with a full gratitude letter is too big a first step for you to make, that's OK! Why not try a thank you note in a thoughtfully selected or handmade card? While writing thank you notes is a bit of a lost art; it takes almost no time at all but is a sincere expression of gratitude. 

3. Show gratitude through creative expression: We can't all be talented artists, but it really is the thought and effort put in that counts. Often homemade gifts mean the most, a little bit of creativity goes a long way.

4. Give a gratitude gift: When choosing a gift aimed specifically at expressing gratitude, opt for meaningful over monetary value. Gratitude in itself is a gift but giving a thoughtful, personal gift that can be kept, displayed and treasured is something really special.

5. Express your appreciation face to face with a gratitude visit: While expressing gratitude in person might be a big step for some, the gesture of going out of your way to tell someone how much you appreciate them is enough for everyone to feel the benefits. If you can't make the visit in person, send a personalized video message.

6. Ask how they are (and listen to their response!): It's easy to feel overwhelmed; the simple act of actively listening to your loved ones can be an effective way to show you value them. Put down your phone, remain attentive and let them steer the conversation.

7. Make a gratitude scrapbook: If you are thinking of how to show appreciation for a teacher, try making your own scrapbook or even better, ask your entire class to get involved, each student can add a page of gratitude then put it all together in a book. Make one for your friend or parents and fill it with photographs of special moments over the years.

Friend, teachers and parents are probably the people we're most grateful for but show least gratitude towards. Expressing gratitude is personal to you you know the person best, think about what would have the most value to them.

Impact of the virtue of a person:

1. Gratitude makes us happier. 
2. Gratitude makes us healthier.
3. Gratitude boosts our career.
4. Gratitude strengthens our emotions 
5. Gratitude develops our personality
6. Gratitude makes us more optimistic.
7. Gratitude reduces materialism. 
8. Gratitude increases spiritualism
9. Gratitude makes us less self-centered. 
10. Gratitude increases self-esteem
11. Gratitude keeps you away from the doctor 
12. Gratitude lets you live longer

Conclusion: Gratitude is no cure-all, but it is a massively underutilized tool for improving life- satisfaction and happiness. The important thing is to keep your mind focused on your feelings of gratitude, practice expressing your gratitude and in time you will develop a tendency towards a grateful life.

10 months ago

October 15, 2019
Dhaka South City Corporation,

Subject: Prayer for take measures to redress the suffering of citizens from mosquito.

Respected sir,
I am writing this letter to inform you about the situation of Shahjahanpur which comes under your supervision. I am writing this behalf of all the people of Shahjahanpur that we are suffering from serious Mosquito problem. It is now threatening to our lives.

We have cast vote by putting our trust in the government but somewhere we are dissappointed. I request you to take a visit to us just to see our miserable condition. Please take action against our complain. We all shall be really happy about this act of kindness as it is prior responsibility of state towards its citizens.

On Behalf the people of Shahjahanpur

10 months ago

15, Green Road

Dear Shohag,
I have learned that you have developed bad habits like smoking. I am sorry that you have been addicted to smoking. You know that smoking is a bad habit. It does a lot of harm to us.

A single puff of cigarette smoke contains 15 billion particles of substances which are very dangerous for health. Smoking causes cancer, heart attack, and other fatal diseases. Excessive smoking may lead a person to premature death. By quitting smoking, you are protecting those you love. Smoking not only harms your health, but it hurts the health of those around you.

I would suggest you to give up smoking now. Firm determination of mind will help you in this respect. Never indulge in such dangerous habit again.

I sincerely advise you to give up the bad habit and take more interest in other stuff otherwise, it will be too late.


10 months ago