On This Page

2. Passive Voice( কর্মবাচ্য ): কোন Sentence এ যদি Subject কে দিয়ে কোন কাজ করানো হয় বুঝায় তখন তাকে Passive Voice বলে ।

যেমন :

Rice Is eaten by me.

A letter is written by him.

A book is read by Fateha.

Football is being played by us.

Content added By
English is spoken in many parts of the world.
The English is spoken in many parts of the world.
English is being spoken in many parts of the world.
English is being spoken in many parts of the world.
active voice
passive voice
quasi -passive voice
not any voice which are mentioned
would kill
was killed
would have killed
active voice
passive voice
quasi-passive voice
double passive voice
He was known to me .
He is known to me
I was known to him
He known to me

আরও দেখুন...

