Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sing language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas, Tourists, the deaf, the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally spelling, however, cannot. Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval while shaking the head indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction. Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille ( a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), the signal also guide, warn and instruct people. While verbalization is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.

All of the following statements are true EXCEPT

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago

Sentence Correction

Sentence correction in English grammar refers to the process of identifying and rectifying errors or mistakes in sentences to ensure they are grammatically accurate, clear, and effectively convey the intended meaning. Sentence correction often involves fixing errors related to grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice, and sentence structure.

Here are some common types of errors in sentences and examples of sentence correction:

Grammar Errors:

  • Error: "He don't like ice cream."
  • Correction: "He doesn't like ice cream."

Subject-Verb Agreement Errors:

  • Error: "The book on the shelf are mine."
  • Correction: "The book on the shelf is mine."

Pronoun Agreement Errors:

  • Error: "Each of the students had their own project."
  • Correction: "Each of the students had his or her own project."

Tense Errors:

  • Error: "I will go to the store yesterday."
  • Correction: "I went to the store yesterday."

Word Choice Errors:

  • Error: "The dog barked loudly in the silent night."
  • Correction: "The dog barked loudly in the quiet night."

Punctuation Errors:

  • Error: "Let's eat, grandma."
  • Correction: "Let's eat grandma."

Run-On Sentences:

  • Error: "She went to the store she bought groceries she came home."
  • Correction: "She went to the store, bought groceries, and then came home."

Sentence Fragment Errors:

  • Error: "Because I was tired."
  • Correction: "I was tired because."

Sentence correction aims to enhance clarity, coherence, and readability. It involves attention to the nuances of grammar and usage to ensure that sentences convey the intended meaning effectively. It is a fundamental skill for writing and communication in English.

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