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Recently, significant problems regarding energy use have emerged. Enormous amounts of pollutants are being emitted from power plants, factories, and automobiles, which are worsening the condition of the earth. This environmental degradation is a clear result of acid rain, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and other forms of air pollution. Acid rain and air pollution, for instance, are devastating forests, crops, and lakes over wide areas all over the world. Since the 1950 s, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increased by 13 %, setting the stage for global warming. As atmospheric temperature rise, grain output may significantly decrease, making it more difficult for farmers to keep pace with the growth of population. In urban areas, air pollution is taking a toll on buildings and human health. To reduce the amount of environmental damage in cities,  developed countries have devised technology to control harmful emissions. However, as these countries already have an abundance of vehicles that continue to grow in number, the efficacy of these measures is diminished.  Since cars and other vehicles create more effective means to reduce pollution is to decrease the number of vehicles. A major shift away from automobile usage in a number of vehicles. A major shift away from automobile usage in urban areas may be possible with the aid of urban planning. 

The word' pollutants' in the passage is a /an

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago

বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত প্রত্যেকটি শব্দকে Parts of Speech বলা হয়। 

Rahim eats rice (রহিম ভাত খায়।) এই Sentenceটিতে Rahim, eats এবং rice এই তিনটি Word আছে।এইভাবে প্রতিটি Sentence এর মধ্যে বিভিন্ন রকমের Word বা শব্দ ব্যবহার করা হয়, এগুলি Sentence এর একটি Part বা অংশ, এগুলিকেই Parts Of Speech বলে।

Parts of Speech মোট ৮ প্রকার। যথা:

1. Noun

2. Pronoun

3. Adjective

4. Verb

5. Adverb

6. Preposition

7. Conjunction &

8. Interjection

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