"His behaviour annoys me sometimes". বাক্যের Passive form হচ্ছে ----

Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago


Voice অর্থ বাচ্য , ক্রিয়া প্রকাশের ভঙ্গিমাকে ই Voice বা বাচ্য বলে ।

Voice এর প্রকারভেদ: Voice দুই প্রকার । যথা

1. Active Voice (কর্তৃবাচ্য)

2. Passive Voice (কর্মবাচ্য)।

1. Active Voice( কর্তৃবাচ্য ): কোন Sentence এ যদি Subject সক্রিয় হয়ে কোন কাজ সম্পাদন করে তখন তাকে Active Voice বলে ।

যেমন :

I eat rice.

He writes a letter.

Fateha reads a book.

We are playing football.

2. Passive Voice( কর্মবাচ্য ): কোন Sentence এ যদি Subject কে দিয়ে কোন কাজ করানো হয় বুঝায় তখন তাকে Passive Voice বলে ।

যেমন :

Rice Is eaten by me.

A letter is written by him.

A book is read by Fateha.

Football is being played by us.

Voice Change করার নিয়ম । কিভাবে Active Voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করা হয় ।

Active Voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করার General Rule : 

Active Voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসে । Active Voice এর মূল Verb এর Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপ হয় এবং Tense ও Passive Voice এর Subject অনুযায়ী Be Verb বসে ।

Tense অনুযায়ী Active Voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করার নিয়মাবলী :


Present Indefinite Tense

গঠন : Present Indefinite Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, am / is / are এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + am / is/ are + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : I eat rice.

Passive : Rice is eaten by me.

Active : They play football.

Passive : Football is played by them.

Active : I see the man.

Passive : The man is seen by me.

Active : Mother cooks rice.

Passive : Rice is cooked by mother.

Active : We eat mango.

Passive : Mango is eaten by us.

Active : She reads Arabic.

Passive : Arabic is read by her.

Active : Mr Khan teaches English.

Passive : English is taught by Mr Khan.

Active : Lima makes tea.

Passive : Tea is made by Lima.

Active : Rony Reads a book.

Passive : A book is read by Rony.

Active : Rina makes basket.

Passive : Basket is made by Rina.


Past Indefinite Tense

গঠন : Past Indefinite Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, was / were এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + was / were + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : I ate rice.

Passive : Rice was eaten by me.

Active : Rina wrote a letter.

Passive : A letter was written by Rina.

Active : She sang a song.

Passive : A song was sung by her.

Active : We did the work.

Passive : The work was done by us.

Active : Mother cooked food.

Passive : Food was cooked by mother.

Active : They played Cricket.

Passive : Cricket was played by them.

Active : The man sold the land.

Passive : The land was sold by the man.

Active : I knew them.

Passive : They were known by me.

Active : Police arrested the Criminals.

Passive : The Criminals were arrested by Police.

Active : Mr. Khan taught the students.

Passive : The Students were taught by Mr. Khan.


Future Indefinite Tense

গঠন : Future Indefinite Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, shall be / will be এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + shall be / will be + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : I shall write a letter.

Passive : A letter will be written by me.

Active : Swapan will support me.

Passive : I shall be supported by Swapan.

Active : Tania will make tea.

Passive : Tea will be made by Tania.

Active : Rana will write a story.

Passive : A story will be written by Rana.

Active : Father will buy a cow.

Passive : A cow will be bought by father.

Active : She will learn the lesson.

Passive : The lesson will be learnt by her.

Active : Ema will sing a song.

Passive : A song will be sung by Ema.

Active : we shall play football.

Passive : Football will be played by us.

Active : mother will cook rice.

Passive : Rice will be cooked by Mother.

Active : Ali will catch fish.

Passive : Fish will be caught by Ali.


Present Continuous Tense

গঠন : Present Continuous Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, am being / is being / are being এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + am being / is being / are being + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : We are eating mango.

Passive : Mango is being eaten by us.

Active : Mother is cooking rice.

Passive : Rice is being cooked by Mother.

Active : Ali is catching fish.

Passive : Fish is being caught by Ali.

Active : He is reading a book.

Passive : A book is being read by him.

Active : The teacher is teaching the Students.

Passive : The Students are being taught by the teacher.

Active : She is writing a letter.

Passive : A letter is being written by her.

Active : They are playing Cricket.

Passive : Cricket is being played by them.

Active : I am eating rice.

Passive : Rice is being eaten by me.

Active : They are reading English.

Passive : English is being read by them.

Active : They are doing the work.

Passive : The work is being done by them.


Past Continuous Tense

গঠন : Past Continuous Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, was being / were being এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + was being / were being + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : We were eating mango.

Passive : Mango was being eaten by us.

Active : Mother was cooking rice.

Passive : Rice was being cooked by Mother.

Active : Ali was catching fish.

Passive : Fish was being caught by Ali.

Active : He was reading a book.

Passive : A book was being read by him.

Active : The teacher was teaching the Students.

Passive : The Students were being taught by the teacher.

Active : She was writing a letter.

Passive : A letter was being written by her.

Active : They were playing Cricket.

Passive : Cricket was being played by them.

Active : I was eating rice.

Passive : Rice was being eaten by me.

Active : They were reading English.

Passive : English was being read by them.

Active : They were doing the work.

Passive : The work was being done by them.


Future Continuous Tense

গঠন : Future Continuous Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, shall be being / will be being এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + shall be being / will be being + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : We shall be eating mango.

Passive : Mango will be being eaten by us.

Active : Mother will be cooking rice.

Passive : Rice will be being cooked by Mother.

Active : Ali will be catching fish.

Passive : Fish will be being caught by Ali.

Active : He will be reading a book.

Passive : A book will be being read by him.

Active : The teacher will be teaching the Students.

Passive : The Students will be being taught by the teacher.

Active : She will be writing a letter.

Passive : A letter will be being written by her.

Active : They will be playing Cricket.

Passive : Cricket will be being played by them.

Active : I shall be eating rice.

Passive : Rice will be being eaten by me.

Active : They will be reading English.

Passive : English will be being read by them.

Active : They will be doing the work.

Passive : The work will be being done by them.


Present Perfect Tense

গঠন : Present Perfect Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, have been / has been এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + have been / has been + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : We have eaten mango.

Passive : Mango has been eaten by us.

Active : Mother has cooked rice.

Passive : Rice has been cooked by Mother.

Active : Ali has caught fish.

Passive : Fish has been caught by Ali.

Active : He has read a book.

Passive : A book has been read by him.

Active : The teacher has taught the Students.

Passive : The Students have been taught by the teacher.

Active : She has written a letter.

Passive : A letter has been written by her.

Active : They have played Cricket.

Passive : Cricket has been played by them.

Active : I have eaten rice.

Passive : Rice has been eaten by me.

Active : They have read English.

Passive : English has been read by them.

Active : They have done the work.

Passive : The work has been done by them.


Past Perfect Tense

গঠন : Past Perfect Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর পরে Be Verb, had been বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + had been + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : We had eaten mango.

Passive : Mango had been eaten by us.

Active : Mother had cooked rice.

Passive : Rice had been cooked by Mother.

Active : Ali had caught fish.

Passive : Fish had been caught by Ali.

Active : He had read a book.

Passive : A book had been read by him.

Active : The teacher had taught the Students.

Passive : The Students had been taught by the teacher.

Active : She had written a letter.

Passive : A letter had been written by her.

Active : They had played Cricket.

Passive : Cricket had been played by them.

Active : I had eaten rice.

Passive : Rice had been eaten by me.

Active : They had read English.

Passive : English had been read by them.

Active : They had done the work.

Passive : The work had been done by them.


Future Perfect Tense

গঠন : Future Perfect Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb,shall have been /will have been এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object +shall have been / will have been+ মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : We shall have eaten mango.

Passive : Mango will have been eaten by us.

Active : Mother will have cooked rice.

Passive : Rice will have been cooked by Mother.

Active : Ali will have caught fish.

Passive : Fish will have been caught by Ali.

Active : He will have read a book.

Passive : A book will have been read by him.

Active : The teacher will have taught the Students.

Passive : The Students will have been taught by the teacher.

Active : She will have written a letter.

Passive : A letter will have been written by her.

Active : They will have played Cricket.

Passive : Cricket will have been played by them.

Active : I shall have eaten rice.

Passive : Rice will have been eaten by me.

Active : They will have read English.

Passive : English will have been read by them.

Active : They will have done the work.

Passive : The work will have been done by them.

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