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It is not a diet and lifestyle that make you obese. There is another factor that lies in your part of DNA called gene that may influence the shape of your body. A study has recently revealed that genes may play a role in regulating body shape. The effect of genes may be stronger for women than for men. Scientists have found gene variations linked to obesity and fat,  which explains why some people are apple-shaped and some are pear-shaped. previous studies found that when we store fat in our bodies it can affect our health. More fat around the waist is linked with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease while having a fat posterior and thighs may offer some protection against diabetes and heart disease.     Experts have opined that in most cases obesity is caused by an unhealthy diet and lifestyle and that tackling obesity is challenging. However, recent development in genetics will enable more targeted approaches to obesity prevention and to the invention of new drugs.

A  shirt nowadays may have a  complicated history. One may buy it in London and it can have a  label saying "Made in Bangladesh " but it may well have been made from Chinese fabric woven from Chinese yarn, spun from Chinese cotton or man-made fiber. Why you may wonder, was the shirt not actually cut and sewn in Chian? We know they have scissors and sewing machines there and millions of nimble-fingered operators. After all, many of the other shirts in the London shop hangers were indeed made in China. The question is being asked with increasing urgency in China too as well as in Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Nepal Cambodia, Ei Salvador Honduras and more than 40 other countries with thriving clothing industries based exports They are attempting to come to terms with the elimination at the end of 2004 of quotas that have governed their exports to the world's two biggest markets America and the European Union. The quotas that have governed their esports to the world's two biggest markets: America and the European Union. The quotas have restraint some countries exports, but in others have created an export industry that might not otherwise have existed.