Description (Added)

Using "on" or "in" can both be correct in this context, but they convey slightly different nuances:

"On the fifth floor" suggests that the fire started on that specific floor, possibly due to an event or source located there.

"In the fifth floor" implies that the fire originated within that floor. However, "on" is more commonly used to indicate a specific location.

So, while both can work, "on" is generally more appropriate for describing the starting point of a fire in a building.

The original sentence, "Your advice is no different from the other friends," is grammatically correct and conveys the intended meaning, which is that the person's advice is similar to that of their other friends. The provided words are meant to be used to rephrase the sentence while maintaining a similar meaning.

In the corrected sentence, "Your advice is not different from that of the other friends," the phrase "not different from that of" is used to indicate the similarity between the person's advice and that of their friends. It is a valid and accurate way to rephrase the original sentence using the provided words.

The pair of words that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair "RELEVANT : CRUCIAL" is "perceptable : obvious." In both pairs, the first word represents something that is less significant or important, while the second word represents something that is more significant or important. In the original pair, "RELEVANT" is less important compared to "CRUCIAL," and in the new pair, "perceptable" is less important compared to "obvious."

Volume of triangular solid cylinder/triangular prism = 1/2*(base of triangular base)*(height of triangular base)*(height of cylinder)

= 60 cft

If the price of a commodity increases by r%, then the reduction in consumption so as not to increase the expenditure = [r/(100 + r)] × 100%Percentage reduction in consumption = [10/(100 + 10)] × 100 = 1000/110 = 9.09%

Round off=to complete an event or activity in a pleasant or satisfactory way

20 days need to do =1 work

 1 day need to do =1/20

 8  days need to do =8/20=2/3 parts

Remaining parts=1-2/3=1/3 parts

20 men do 2/3 parts of work = 8 days

  1 man do 2/3 parts of work =8*20

  1 man do    1 parts of work =(8*20*3)/2

(20-10) men do 1  work        =(8*20*3)/(2*10)

10 men do 1/3 part of  work  =(8*20*3)/(2*10*3)

                                                   = 8 days