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Using a dictionary

অষ্টম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক) - English for Today - Check your reference | NCTB BOOK

A. Look at the questions and the text and talk about them in groups.

  1. Have you come across this type of text before?
  2. Do you know what the text is about?
  3. What do you know about a dictionary?
  4. What do you find in a dictionary? 2023


fit 0 /fit/ verb, adj., noun
verb (fit-ting, fit-ted, fit ted) (NAME usually fit-ting, fit, fit except in the passive)
 RIGHT SIZE/TYPE 1 (not used in the progressive tenses) to be the right shape and size for sb/sth: [V] I tried the dress on but it didn't fit. o That jacket fits well. o a close-fitting dress [VN] I can't find clothes to fit me. o The key doesn't fit the lock. 2 [V, usually + odv./prep.] to be of the right size, type or number to go somewhere: I'd like to have a desk in the room but it won't fit. o All the kids will fit in the back of the car. 3 [VN] [often passive] sb (for sth) to put clothes on sb and make them the right size and shape:

PUT STH SOMEWHERE 4 [VN] to put or fix sth some They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling. The rooms were all fitted with smoke alarms. 5 [+adv/prep.] to put or join sth in the right place: [V] The glass fits on top of the jug to form a lid. How do these two parts fit together? o [VN] We fitted together the pieces of the puzzle..
- AGREE/MATCH 6 (not used in the progressive tenses) to agree with, match or be suitable for sth; to make sth do this: [V] Something doesn't quite fit here. His pictures don't fit into any category. [VN] The facts certainly fit your theory. The punishment ought to fit the crime. We should fit the punishment to the crime.
> MAKE SUITABLE 7 sb/sth (for sth) (especially BrE) to make sb/sth suitable for a particular job: [VN, VN to inf] His experience fitted him perfectly for the job. His experi- ence fitted him to do the job..

HEALTHY 1(for sth) (to do sth) healthy and strong, especially because you do regular physical exercise: Top athletes have to be very fit. (BrE) He won't be fit to play in the match on Saturday. o She tries to keep fit by jogging every day. (BrE) He's had a bad cold and isn't fit enough for work yet. I feel really fighting fit (= very healthy and full of energy). The government aims to make British industry leaner and fitter (= employing fewer people and with lower COSES).-see also KEEP-FIT OPP UNFIT note at WELL vocabulary notes on page R18
SUITABLE 2 for sb/sth | to do sth suitable; of the right quality; with the right qualities or skills: The food was not fit for human consumption. It was a meal fit for a king (= of very good quality). o Your car isn't fit to be on the road! The children seem to think I'm only fit for cook- ing and washing! He's so angry he's in no fit state to see anyone. (formal) This is not a fit place for you to live OPP UNFIT

READY 3 to do sth (BrE, informal) ready or likely to do sth extreme: They worked until they were fit to drop (= so tired that they were likely to fall down). I've eaten so much I'm fit to burst. She was laughing fit to burst (= very much).

TOM (as) fit as a fiddle (informal) in very good physical condition see/think 'fit to do sth) (formal) to consider it right or acceptable to do sth; to decide or choose to do sth: You must do as you think fit (= but I don't agree with your decision). The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter (= and I criticize it for that).-more at SURVIVAL

> ILLNESS 1 [C] a sudden attack of an illness, such as EPI- LEPSY, in which sb becomes unconscious and their body may make violent movements SYN CONVULSION: to have an epileptic fito Her fits are now controlled by drugs. OF COUGHING/LAUGHTER 2 [C] a sudden short period of coughing or of laughing, that you cannot control SYN BOUT: a fit of coughing He had us all in fits (of laughter) with his jokes.

OF STRONG FEELING 3 [C] a short period of very strong feeling: to act in a fit of anger/rage/temper/pique-see also HISSY FIT 

OF CLOTHING 4 [C,U] (often with an adjective) the way that sth, especially a piece of clothing, fits: a good/. bad/close/perfect fit

MATCH 5 [C] (between A and B) the way that two things match each other or are suitable for each other: We need to work out the best fit between the staff required and the staff available.
IDM by/in fits and 'starts frequently starting and stop- ping again; not continuously: Because of other commitments I can only write my book in fits and starts. have/throw a 'fit (informal) to be very shocked, upset or angry: Your mother would have a fit if she knew you'd been drinking!

fit-ful /fit/ adj. happening only for short periods; not continuous or regular: a fitful night's sleep fit-fully /'fit- fali/ adv.: to sleep fitfully
fit-ment /'fitment/ noun (usually pl.] (BrE, technical) a piece of furniture or equipment, especially one that is made for and fixed in a particular place
fitness/fitnes/ noun [U] 1 the state of being physically healthy and strong: a magazine on health and fitness o a fitness instructor/class/testo a high level of physical fit- ness 2 for sth/to do sth the state of being suitable or good enough for sth: He convinced us of his fitness for the
task. o There were doubts about her fitness to hold office. fitness centre (BrE) (NAME 'fitness center) noun a place where people go to do physical exercise in order to stay or become healthy and fit

furniture) built to be fixed into a particular space SYN BUILT-IN: fitted wardrobes/cupboards 2 [only be fore noun] (especially BrE) (of a room) with matching cup- boards and other furniture built for the space and fixed in place: a fitted kitchen/bedroom 3 [only before noun) (of clothes) made to follow the shape of the body: a fitted jacket OPP LOOSE 4~for/to sth |~to do sth (especially BrE) suitable; with the right qualities and skills: She was well fitted to the role of tragic heroine. 5 with sth hav- ing sth as equipment: Insurance costs will be reduced for houses fitted with window locks.
fitted carpet noun (BrE) a carpet that is cut and fixed to cover the floor of a room completely-see also WwALL-TO- WALL CARPET
fitter /'fita(r)/ noun 1 a person whose job is to put to- gether or repair equipment: a gas fitter 2 a person whose job is to cut and fit clothes or carpets, etc.

fit-ting /fit/ adj., noun

adj. 1 (formal) suitable or right for the occasion SYN APPROPRIATE: The award was a fitting tribute to her years of devoted work.

                        o It is fitting that the new centre for European studies should be in a university that teaches. every European language. 2 fitting (in adjectives) hav- ing a particular FIT:

noun 1 [usually pl.] a small part on a piece of equipment or furniture: light fittings o a pine cupboard with brass fit- tings 2 (usually pi.] (BrE) items in a house such as a cook- er, lights or shelves that are usually fixed but that you can take with you when you move to a new house-compare FIXTURE 3 an occasion when you try on a piece of cloth- ing that is being made for you to see if it fits


B. Look at the dictionary page in Lesson 3 and answer the following questions. Then read the text below.

   Do you use a dictionary?

   Why and how often do you use a dictionary?

   How can a dictionary help you?

A dictionary is a collection of words. It lists the words of a language and gives necessary information about them. It tells us about the

a) spelling
b) pronunciation
c) meaning
d) word class

To make the meanings of words clear, example sentences are given in italics.
Example sentences show how words are used. It also gives the synonym/s and the antonym/s of a word.
We find words made by adding prefixes and suffixes to the root word. Parts of speech are also shown. A verb word is always given in the simple present tense. But the past form of a verb and the past participle are also shown.


C. Again read the text above. Then ask and answer the following questions.

  1. What information does a dictionary give us about a verb word?
  2. Why are the example sentences given?
  3. How are new words formed?
  4. Why are the synonyms and the antonyms given?
  5. What do we need a dictionary for?


D. Match the sentence parts in Column A with those in Column B.

Column AColumn B
A dictionary showsin its simple present tense.
Prefixes and suffixesabout the words of a language.
A verb word is always givenhelp to make new words.
Meanings of words are givenhow to pronounce a word.
A dictionary gives informationin a dictionary.
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