The greatest of the changes that science has brought is the acuity of change: 15 the greatest novelty the extent of novelty. Short of rare times of greatest disaster, civilizations have not known such rapid alteration in the conditions of their life, such rapid flowering of many varied sciences, such rapid changes in the ideas we have about the world and one another. What has been true in the days of great disaster or great military defeat for one people at one time is true for all of us now, in the sense that our ends have little in common with our beginnings. Within a lifetime what we learned at school has been rendered inadequate by new discoveries and new inventions, the ways that we learn in childhood are only very meagerly adequate to the issues that we must meet in maturity. In fact, of course, the nation of universal knowledge has always been an illusion, but it is an illusion fostered the monistic view of the world in which a few great central truths determine in all its wonderful and amazing proliferation everything else that is true. We are not today tempted to search for these keys that unlock the whole human knowledge and of man's experience. We know that we are ignorant, we are well taught it and the more surely and deeply we know our own job the better we are to appreaiate the full measure of our pervasive ignorance. We know that these are inherent limits. compounded, no doubt, and exaggerated by that sloth and complacency without which we would not be men at all. (write a precis)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
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