
A shirt was sold at 6% profit . If the purchase price was 4% less and te selling price was Tk. 4 more, the profit would be 12.5% . What was the purchase price of the shirt? (profit and loss)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

At 6% profit, the selling price = 100+6= Tk. 106 

& 4% less, the cost of the item = 100-4 =Tk. 96

Again, in 12.5% profit the selling price=96+96×12.5100=108 TK. 

Difference between selling price = 108-106= Tk. 2

In difference of Tk. 2 the cost price = Tk. 100 

In difference of Tk. 4 the cost price = Tk. 100×42=200 TK. 

1 year ago



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