Read out the following passage carefully and answer the question:

Agent banking is the most useful channel when it comes to providing financial services to the extreme poor. Development entities such as non-government organizations and micro-finance institutions (MFIs) are working to link clients with agent banking to provide better financial services. The MFIs can work as agencies of banks in localities for greater financial inclusion Collateral is the major challenge faced when the rural poor try to get loans, so agents of banks MFIs in this case, can act as guarantors inside localities, helping to provide loans at low interest. Market systems can play a crucial role in helping Bangladesh address development challenges. Bangladesh Bank data shows that the number of agent banking accounts more than doubled to 12.14 lakh in 2017 from that a year earlier. Bangladesh Bank issued an agent banking guideline in 2013 and licensees started full-fledged operations in 2016.

What type of the role can NGO's play to enhance "Agent Banking"?

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

NGO's and Micro finance institutions play pivotal role to the enhancement of agent banking. They are trying to link up poor people from the distant area with the financial services securing loan with the lowest interest rate and grant loan without collateral.

1 year ago


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