Assume that you have taken a personal loan from a bank. Of late you find yourself in some financial crunch because of which you are unable to repay it on time. Write a letter to your bank regarding this.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

The Manager 
NRBC Bank Ltd. 
Shibalaya Branch, Manikgonj-1850 

Subject: Prayer for the extension of loan payment date. 

Dear Sir, 
With due reverent I want to draw your attention to the fact that many industries along with other business have been badly affected in the COVID-19 pandemic. Many industries have been fully closed and others have been on the verge of the closure. My newly launched industry has also been affected during this time. My company was always smooth in paying regular installments before this crisis. As the sales of my company have reduced sharply and arrears from the buyers have been on the rise, it is being difficult for me to maintain regularity in paying your installments in the time. This is why I request for the extension of loan payment so that I can repay it readily. 

So, I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind to grant me the extension for 12 moths more to pay the loan and oblige me thereby. 

Yours Sincerely 
Pronay Tirki
Chairman of 'P' Group 
Shibalaya, Manikgonj.

1 year ago


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