Social Media has enhanced Human Communication and Trust

(Argumental Writing in English)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Social media has change the way we communicate with each other by giving us the ability to be constantly communicating.
A tweet can share with millions of people in instant. A video can go viral on Facebook or YouTube in just minutes.
People can collaborate with each other via social media at any
hour of the day without hesitation.
Social media change the way we live, the way we work and, most importantly, the way we communicate.
A by-product of the digital era, Social networks have easily become one of the most dominant methods of communication. Social media is a huge step forward for humanity.
As one of the most popular methods for sharing thoughts and idea, it's important to examine how social media change the way we communicate over time.
Social media is basically the new way of keeping in touch with everything and everyone.
Social media is invaluable for connecting and communicating with people across the globe, building professional and personal relationship, and allowing us to capture present moment and make it last.
As compared to face-to-face interaction, in online communication people can hide their real identities which give rise to security and trust issues.

1 year ago


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