Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

All our languages are the result of art. Whether there is a natural language, common to all manking has long been a matter of investigation. Without doubt, there is such a language, and it is the one that children utter before they know how to talk. This language is not articulate, but it is accentuat sonorous and intelligible. The using of our own language has led us to neglect this, even so far as t forget it altogether. Let us study children, and we shall soon acquire it again from them. Nurses eur teachers in this language. They understand all their nurslings say, they answer them and they hold really connected dialogues with them. And, although they pronounce words; these words entirely useless, the child understands, not the meaning of the words, but the accent which accompanies them. To the language of the voice is added the no less forcible language of gesture This gesture is not that of children's feeble hands; it is that seen in their faces. It is astonishing to see how much expression these immature countenances already have. From moment to moment, ther features change with inconceivable quickness. On them you see the smile, the wish, the fear, spring into life, and pass away, like so many lightning flashes. Each time you seem to see a differen countenance.

When do children utter languages?

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Children utter languages before they know how to talk . 

1 year ago


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