Write an essay in English on "Leading a successful life".

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Leading a Successful Life 

Each and every person of any class has desire for being successful in the world. Even every person times throughout his entire life to attain success as one has to try hard to lead a successful life. 

To lead a successful life is a very difficult task where one needs some obvious qualities. The first and foremost quality for attaining success is hard working. It we read through the bibliography of the successful person of the world we will find that they were very hardworking in their way of livings. The other quality for attaining success is punctuality. Without being punctual none can be able to be successful. Every person should do his duty in time. There goes a proverb that "a stretch in ti ne saves nine". Another most important quality for achieving success is discipline. If one can lead a disciplined life it will much more easily for him to be successful.

 Leading a successful life is not an absolute matter. From the very beginning of life one has to inherent the above qualities to become successful. The writings or speech of the successful people will help us more to be motivated for achieving success. We can read through the life of the successful persons of the world. Strong determination for attaining success will also help for leading a successful life. Being successful only in this world is not the meaning of success. One has to also be success full after the life after dead. So it is also important to gain the satisfaction of our creator almighty Allah by doing good activities.

1 year ago


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