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Read the following text and fill in each gap with a suitable word based on the information of the text.

The pioneer of Bangladeshi modern art Zainul Abedin is widely acclaimed for his Bengal Famine Sketches Through a series of sketches, Zainul not only documented the harsh famine of 1940 but also showed its sinister face through the skeletal figures of the people destined to die of starvation in a man-made plight. Zainul developed a knack for drawing and painting when he was a high school student. After completing high school, he got admission to the Government School of Art, Kolkata. He graduated with the first position in first class in 1938. He was appointed teacher of the Art School while he was still a student there. He also attended the Slade School of Arts, London in 1951-52. Zainul Abedin is considered the founding father of Bangladeshi art. He was an artist of outstanding talent and earned international reputation. For his artistic and visionary qualities, he is referred to as Shilpacharya meaning great teacher' of art in Bangladesh.

He designed the pages of the Constitution of Bangladesh. He founded the Folk Art Museum at Sonargaon and also Zainul Abedin Shangrahasala, a gallery of his own works in Mymensingh in 1975.

  Zainul Abedin had (a) ---- potentiality to become an artist. He is the pioneer of Bangladeshi art. He loved nature and art from his (b) -----. He showed his artistic and visionary qualities in his student life, Graduating (c) ----- credit, he served as a teacher for many years. He showed his talent in different sketches. In his different sketches, (d) ----- sketches were acclaimed both nationally and Internationally. He is also famous for designing the pages of constitution and (e) ----- the Folk Art Museum.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 week ago

English for Toady

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