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All Question - (253)

advice that
passport should
be carry with you at
all time
has been washed
has washd
had washed tent

Air pollution is caused mainly by emissions from road vehicles, factories, power Stations, aircraft and the like and by the ‘large-scale burning of vegetation. It has long been recognized as an environmental problem, and as a source of costs to both industry and entire communities. Only relatively recently, however, has the full Significance of the impact of such pollution become apparent. and the global dominant, potentially disastrous, environmental problem facing humanity. Since the mid-eighteen century the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other changes in land use have resulted in substantial increases in the concentration of carbon dioxide, ‘Methane, and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. By blocking the radiation back into space of much of the heat reaching the earth from the sun, these gases reduce Significantly the natural cooling - ‘effect of such radiation, thus creating a ‘greenhouse effect’ and causing a steady increase in temperatures on earth global warming. Although the Claim that: the earth’s atmosphere IS heating up has been dispute by some climatologists, the balance of scientific opinion is now firmly behind the hypothesis.

May 01 International workes day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in most countries. All the privileged workers enjoy today-a minimum wage, safety laws and 8-hour workday-came about due to the sacrifice of the workers in 1886. On May 2. 1886, police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McCormick Harvest Machine Company, Chicago, killing at least one striker, seriously wounding five or six others and injuring an undetermined number.  From the beginning of the industrial revolution, people in factories have worked very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day, In the 1880s a new movement calling for an 8 hours day inspired both labor unions and unorganized workers.  The events of Mayday 1886 is a reminder that workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives. 
(i) We remember May day as it reminds us about the historic struggle of working people throughout the world
(II) All the fortunate workers enjoy today-a minimum wage, safety laws and 8 hour workday due to that event.
(iii) Police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McCormick arvest Machine Company, Chicago, killing at least one striker, seriously wounding five or six others and injuring an undetermined number.
(iv) The events of May day 1886 is a remind that workers will continue to be subjugated until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives.
(V) Workers will not be ever down in term of their right. (All)