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All Question - (253)

Rainfall is plentiful
Rainfall is fairly well scattered
Rainfall is scarce
None of the above
lack of planning
huge investment
disregarding the needs
increase of street space
a man who has the power to punish the people
a civil officer, lower in rank than a judge, who has power to deal with persons charged with minor offenses
a person found in a law court, with power to arrest people and send them to prison
an officer of the law, lower in rank than a jury, who decided whether or not to set innocent people free
They were full of hemp,ready for smoking
They were longer than pipes used for smoking tobacco in normal way
It happened that the found them in
He knew that pipes are used in smoking hamp
He was probably a man with a very suspicious mind
forest : lumber
mine : ore
mill : grain
generator : electricity
warehouse : merchandise
Duckling : Drake
Lion : Mare
Bull : Bitch
Gander : Goose
Cow : Calf
having major
have majored
None of these
My wife isn't feeling well
I get a coffee break at ten in the morning.
I think so . I don't feel well
It's my turn to go first .
natural substances
dangerous substances
added substances
additional substances .
The time nears.
He is a near relation.
Draw near and time.
The school is near the post-office.
with the bank that
the bank that
to the bank that

Athens and Sparta were the two advanced Greek cities of the world Hellenic period (1750-338 B.C.). Both had a city-state type, of government, and both took slaves from the people they, conquered. However, the differences outweigh the similarities in these two ancient civilizations. Sparta was holistic, warlike; (constantly fighting in the neighboring cities), and military, while' Athens catered more towards the democratic and cultural way of life. The latter city 'ell its mark in the fields of art, literature,: philosophy, and science, while the former passed on its totalitarianism and superior military traditions. The presen0 system of a well-rounded education followed in the United States is based on the ancient Athenian idea. The Spartan .system, on the _other hand, was concerned only with military education
well rounded education
military might

Lomer prices will put mobile phones, and their attendant economic benefits. into the hands of millions more people. Mobile phones let fishermen and farmers check prices in different markets before selling produce. make it easier for people to rind work, allow quick and easy transfer of funds and boost economic development. Pre-paid callino plans mean subscribers do not need to have a bank account‘ microcredit loans provide people w ith the means to buy handsets which the. can then can rent out the call, and entire villages can share a phone. Mobi le have created more entrepreneurs in Africa in the past five  years than anything else. But as the cost of handsets falls another harrier to adoption «ill become more apparent: the high taxes and tariff's imposed by governments in many developing countries,  which regard mobile: telecom as a ‘aluable source of revenue. Such taxes, which account for a large proportion of the cost of mobile telephone in some countries, stifle the very economic development that governments are trying to promote.
Benefits of mobile phones
Afican economy and mobile phones
Effects of lower price of mobile phones
Taxes and mobile phones
No answer

The Internet is becoming another means of disseminating information traditionally made available through radio and television stations, Indéed, it is now possible for journalists and the public to access new releases of audio and videotapes, satellite media tours and on-line news conferences via their computers. The number of news sites on the internet grows each day. As one media company executive notes, “With many of these Web sites generating new content every hour and exponentially larger audiences, on-line news sites represent a dynamic and vital outlet for news.”